How to set up ChanSpy on FreePBX

Being able to connect to an employee's conversation is extremely useful. First, it will help avoid losing a customer. Secondly, evaluate the quality of work of each employee. It comes as no surprise that almost every softphone has this feature. In our Softphone.Pro it works fine on FreePBX. Therefore, the article will contain complete setup instructions.
1. First, set up ChanSpy on FreePBX:
To configure ChanSpy, our specialists used the FreePBX distribution version downloaded from the site
1.1. On the FreePBX main page, click on the Admin(1) and select the Config Edit application (2):

1.2. The Configuration File Editor window opens. Find the Asterisk Custom Configuration Files (1) item and select the extensions_custom.conf (2) configuration file. In the Working on extension (3) enter the parameters of the configuration file:

include => app-custom-chanspy
#connection in "listening" mode
exten => _XXX.,1,Macro(user-callerid,)
exten => _XXX.,n,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN:3},q)
exten => _XXX.,n,Hangup
#connection in "help" mode
exten => _YYY.,1,Macro(user-callerid,)
exten => _YYY.,n,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN:3},w)
exten => _YYY.,n,Hangup
#connection in "conference" mode
exten => _ZZZ.,1,Macro(user-callerid,)
exten => _ZZZ.,n,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN:3},B)
exten => _ZZZ.,n,Hangup
Xxx, yyy, zzz – codes to connect to a conversation. Give each connection mode a separate code. It must not match any of the other codes or operator extensions. You can specify any code you like.
For example:
Help Mode – 550
Conference – 551
Listening – 552
The ChanSpy application uses the following keys to connect to the conversation:
W – "help" mode. You hear both parties to the conversation, only the operator hears you.
B – “conference” mode. You hear both parties to the conversation, they hear you.
Q – “listening” mode. You hear both parties to the conversation, you cannot be heard.
1.3. Click Save.
Remember that the operator's and supervisor's softphones must be connected to the same PBX so that ChanSpy could be tested and work successfully.
How to check the ChanSpy performance:
Let’s say, you want to connect to the current conversation of an operator with extension 100. To connect to a conversation in "help" mode, enter the appropriate code and the extension number of the operator. That is, by dialing 550100 in the softphone, where 550 is the code you specified for the "help" mode, and 100 is the employee's internal number, you will connect to the current conversation.
2. Set up the connection to a conversation in your Team account
2.1. In your personal account, go to the Settings(1), open the Softphone.Pro tab, click General settings(2) and enable the Centralized Settings Wizard (3):

2.2. Go to the Service numbers for real-time listening section and enter the codes that you specified in the configuration file (paragraph 1.3).
2.3. Click Save.
Remember that for the listening function to work, the operator's and supervisor's softphones must be connected to the same PBX.
In order to connect to the operator's session:
1. In your personal account, go to the Online tab and hover over any operator that is in the conversation mode. Three vertical dots will appear next to the name:

Click on them and select one of the modes in which you want to join the conversation.
2. After selecting the mode, the softphone will dial the code and extension number, and then connect you to the conversation.