Rapid detection of choppy audio in Softphone.Pro Team

Agents may encounter call quality issues during calls. This may be caused by difficulties on PBX or Internet provider's side. Technical specialists usually do not monitor employee calls, as this is usually done by a supervisor or manager. They in turn don't have sufficient technical skills to quickly detect issues and pass the information to appropriate channels.

Softphone.Pro can pass call quality data to the Team Dashboard where it is displayed as color indicators. A call can have a green status (no issues), a yellow status (minor issues), and a red status (serious issues).

While monitoring Call Log Supervisors may notice the uptick in call issues in real time. this will allow them to relay the information to the Team Dashboard Administrator. They can use the data sent to the Dashboard from Softphone.Pro and resolve the issues.

Let's describe the configuration of SIP diagnostic data collection in Team Dashboard and how Administrators and Supervisors can process it.

SIP diagnostic data collection configuration

Do the following to enable SIP diagnostic data gathering in Team Dashboard.

To enable the collection of SIP diagnostic data for all Agents use configuration templates.

1. Open the Agent's softphone settings (Settings - Users - user page - Softphone.Pro tab).

2. In the Configuration file field, find or add the [AppSettings] section and add the following parameters:

  • SendDiagnosticToTeamLevel: send SIP diagnostic data to Team Dashboard. Possible values:
    • 0: do not send any diagnostic data to the Team Dashboard;
    • 1: send only the call status (green, yellow, red) to the Team Dashboard, full data is omitted;
    • 2: send full data for yellow and red calls;
    • 3: send full data is sent to the Team Dashboard for all calls.
  • SendDiagnosticToTeamParams: diagnostic metrics used to determine call status. The parameter value is specified as sets of values like parameter_warningLevel_criticalLevel, where parameter is the metric name, warningLevel is the threshold for the yellow status, and criticalLevel is the threshold for the red status. Sets of values for different parameters are separated by a /.
    Example: rxLoss_5_15/txLoss_5_15/maxDelay_200_350/lostFrames_50_150

Most commonly used metrics for monitoring call quality are as follows:

Parameter Description Recommended values
rxLoss Number of lost inbound voice packets 0 - no issues,
>5 - minor losses (warningLevel),
>15 - significant losses (criticalLevel)
txLoss Number of lost outbound voice packets 0 - no issues,
>5 - minor losses (warningLevel),
>15 - significant losses (criticalLevel)
maxDelay Maximum delay in voice packet transmission (milliseconds). Less than 100 - no issues,
>200 - minor delay (warningLevel),
>350 - significant delay (criticalLevel)
lostFrames Number of lost voice frames 0 - no issues,
>50 - minor losses (warningLevel),
>350 - significant losses (criticalLevel)

The result will look like this:

Configuring sending diagnostic data to Team

3. Click Save and restart the Agent's softphone.

The configuration is complete. The call status and full diagnostic information will be sent to the Team Dashboard (as set in the SendDiagnosticToTeamLevel parameter). The next section describes how the Team Dashboard Administrator can process the diagnostic data received from the Agents' softphones.

SIP Diagnostic Data usage in Call Log

When SIP diagnostic information is sent to the Team Dashboard, Administrators and Supervisors will see a new SIP column in the Call Log, which displays call status icons:

SIP information for the call

A call can have a green status (no issues observed), a yellow status (minor issues), and a red status (serious issues).

Click on the icon to open the full diagnostic information for the call (if enabled in the SendDiagnosticToTeamLevel parameter).

Full diagnostic information

As seen from the screenshot, the yellow status was set because maximum delay value is 340. This is greater than the warningLevel value of 200 ms but less than the criticalLevel value of 350 ms.

This information will allow the Administrator to get a complete picture and take measures to resolve the issues. See this article for more information on how to improve call quality and recommended metric values.