SoftphonePro.ini configuration file

SoftphonePro.ini file stores Softphone.Pro user settings. It is located at the following folder by default:

where [WINDOWS-USER] is your Windows user name.

/Users/[USER]/Library/Application Support/SoftphonePro/
where [USER] is your MacOS user name.

How to edit SoftphonePro.ini

1. Exit Softphone.Pro:

Exiting SoftphonePro

2. Open SoftphonePro.ini in Notepad or any other text file editor of your choosing:

SoftphonePro.ini configuration file

[AppSettings] Section

Parameter Default value Description
License License key
RunOnStartup 0 Run application on Windows startup
SaveRecords 1 Start call recording automatically
ShowActiveCallsWindow 1 Display Active Calls window
ShowContactsWindow 1 Display Contacts window
ShowHistoryWindow 1 Display Call Log window
ShowFloatingWindow 1 Display Floating call control window
ShowPersonalStatisticsWindow 1 Display Personal Statistics window
ShowMessagingWindow 1 Display Messaging window
MainWindowOnIncomingAnswer 1 Pop-up main window on incoming call answer
MainWindowOnOutgoing 1 Pop-up main window on start of outgoing call
EnableCallWaiting 1 Enable call waiting
AutoAnswer None Enable auto answer. Available options: None - disabled, All - always enabled, SipHeader - enabled if specific SIP INVITE header exists
VoiceActivityDetection 1 Enable voice activity detection
EchoCancellation 1 Enable echo cancellation
AudioCodecs PCMA/8000/1 PCMU/8000/1 Enabled audio codecs separated with space character. Available options: PCMA/8000/1 - G.711 a-law, PCMU/8000/1 - G.711 u-law, G722/16000/1, G729/8000/1, GSM/8000/1, L16/44100/1, L16/44100/2, iLBC/8000/1, opus/48000/2, speex/16000/1, speex/32000/1, speex/8000/1
CallHistoryCount 100 Number of last calls and corresponding audio recordings to store and display on Call Log window
ShowSipAccountInCallHistoryWindow 0 Display SIP account name on Call Log window
ContactsWindowWidth Contacts window width, pixels
PostProcessingWindowEnabled 0 Enable after call work (ACW)
PostProcessingStatus After call work status
IncomingCallWindowPosition Center Incoming call notification window position. Available options: Center - center, BottomRightCorner - bottom right corner.
RingDevice The device on which the melody of the incoming call will be played
Speaker Output device
Microphone Input device
LogEnabled 1 Activate logging
LogLevel Debug Logging level
LogFileSize 1MB Maximum log file size
LogFilesCount 3 Maximum number of log files
LogPath file:///C:/.../SoftphonePro/ Path to data folder
VolumeLevelMicrophone 0.5 Microphone volume
VolumeLevelSpeaker 0.5 Speaker volume
VolumeLevelRingDevice 0.5 Ring device volume level
ReduceExternalSounds 1 Mute Windows sounds during a call
EnableKeyPressSounds 1 Sound the press of buttons when dialing a number
PlaySoundAfterHangup 1 Play audio after call hangup
PhoneStatus Online Current status
MainWindowX Position of the Main window window along the X axis
MainWindowY Position of the Main window window along the Y axis
ActiveCallsWindowX Position of the Active calls window along the X axis
ActiveCallsWindowY Position of the Active calls window on the Y axis
ContactsWindowX Position of the Contacts window on the X axis
ContactsWindowY Position of the Contacts window on the Y axis
CallHistoryWindowX Position of the Call log window on the X axis
CallHistoryWindowY Position of the Call log window on the Y axis
FloatingWindowX Position of the mini pop-up window Call control on the X axis
FloatingWindowY Position of the mini pop-up window Call control on the Y axis
PostProcessingWindowX Position of the Post-processing window on the X axis
PostProcessingWindowY Position of the Post-processing window on the Y axis
PersonalStatisticsWindowX Position of the Personal Statistics window on the X axis
PersonalStatisticsWindowY Position of the Personal Statistics window on the Y axis
MessagingWindowX Position of the Messaging window on the X axis
MessagingWindowY Position of the Messaging window on the Y axis
Language English Interface language
AnswerShortcutKey Hotkey to answer an incoming call
HangupShortcutKey Hotkey to hang up the call
IgnoreShortcutKey Hotkey to ignore the call
FixRecording 0 Reinitialize call recording on media session changes. Use this option if only one person is heard on the call recording
DisableSessionTimers 0 Disable session timers. Use this option if your calls are interrupted after XX minutes
JabraHeadsetIntegration 0 Jabra headset support. In Softphone.Pro 5.5 and newer use HidIntegrationDevice parameter instead.
PlantronicsHeadsetIntegration 0 Plantronics headset support. In Softphone.Pro 5.5 and newer use HidIntegrationDevice parameter instead.
Scale 100 Interface scale in %
SetSipBusyHereForNA 1 Reject calls if user status is "Busy"
SetSipBusyHereForAway 1 Reject calls if user status is "Away"
UserIdleSetAway 1 Change the status to "Away" if there is no activity after UserIdleTime minutes
UserIdleTime 5 The number of minutes to change the status in case of inactivity
UserIdleSetOnline 1 Change status to "Online" when activity is detected
AwayStatusSelectionDisabled 0 Prevent selection of the "Away" status
BusyStatusSelectionDisabled 0 Prevent selection of the "Busy" status
AfterCallWorkTimeout 0 Time limit for post-processing in seconds
DisableCallRecordingControl 0 Disable the ability to turn off automatic call recording
IgnoreInboundCallIfStatusNA 0 Ignore incoming calls if user status is "Busy"
IgnoreInboundCallIfStatusAway 0 Ignore incoming calls if user status is "Away"
UnregAccsForNA 0 Unregister SIP accounts if user status is "Busy"
UnregAccsForAway 0 Unregister SIP accounts if user status is "Away"
ExtensionDialingEnabled 1 Activating the extension dialing function
ExtensionDialingPauseSymbol Pause symbol in extension dialing function
ExtensionDialingPauseSec 2 Pause duration in seconds
CameraRecordingEnabled 0 Activate camera recording for Agents
CameraRecordingIntervalSec 10 Time between Operator photos in seconds
VideoRecordingEnabled 0 Activate screen recording for Agents
VideoRecordingFramerate 1 Framerate per second for Agent's screen recording
AlwaysOnTop 0 Show Softphone.Pro on top of all windows
ClipboardIntegration 0 Track the status of the clipboard
ClipboardCopyNumberOnIncomingAnswer 0 Copy number to clipboard when answering an incoming call
StunServers List of global STUN servers separated by a space
DnsServers List of DNS servers separated by a space
ACWReminderEnabled 0 Activate the reminder field in Post-processing window
ACWNotesEnabled 0 Activate the notes field in Post-processing window
ACWMinimumCallDuration 0 Minimum duration of the call in seconds that triggers After Call Work window pop-up.
If the value is 0, After Call Window will show after every inbound and outbound call.
ForceCodecForIncoming 0 Require the use of certain codecs from the other side of the call
DenyIncoming 0 Allow incoming from registered domains only
PlayCallWaitingTone Play a sound signal for an incoming call when it's calling to the second line
ShowSipNameInCallHistoryWindow Show customer name received from PBX in Call log window
EnableLocalAccount 0 A local account is created (Allows you to make calls if you do not have a SIP server and SIP account, so you can use IP as a phone number)
SoundEvents 1 Activation of sounds for pressing dial buttons, sound after call rejection, etc.
ReloadSipOnNetworkChanged 1 Update connection parameters and re-register SIP accounts on network change (i.e. when switching from wired connection to Wi-Fi). Supported only in Windows OS
SendEndOfCallStatistics 0 Send diagnostic information to the SIP server in BYE message. See this article for more information
DisplayBlfContactsFirst 1 Show contacts with BLF function enabled at the top of Contacts list
RecordType Stereo Call recording type. Available options: Stereo, Mono. See this article for more information
RecordExtension Mp3 Call recording format. Available options: Wav, Mp3. See this article for more information
ClickToCallHeader Header in the INVITE message of the third-party click-to-call. See this article for more information
MessagingEnabled 1 Enable messaging feature. See this article for more information
MessagingProtocol Sip Messaging protocol. Available options: Sip, HttpApi
MessagingHttpApiUrl Softphone will send the message in a request to this URL if HttpApi messaging protocol is used
MessagingHttpApiSecurityToken Token in the message header sent using HttpApi
MessageMaximumLength 200 Character limit for a message
MaxNumberStoredMessages 100 The number of messages stored in Softphone.Pro
HideCallerIDForInboundCalls 0 Hide caller ID for incoming calls. See this article for more information
HiddenCallerIDTemplate XX-XX-XX Show this text instead of phone number if caller ID is hidden
HidIntegrationDevice Disabled Enables integration with a headset brand. Available options: Disabled (headset integration is turned off), Jabra, Plantronics, Leitner, Yealink (supported in Softphone.Pro 5.5 and newer), VoiceXpert (supported in Softphone.Pro 5.6 and newer).
WriteHidUsagesToLog 0 Enable extended logs for Yealink, VoiceXpert, Leitner headset integrations
AutoAnswerTimeout Set timeout in seconds for delayed auto-answer
RecordOutboundCallRinging 0 Start the recording of the outbound call from the beginning
RecordAgentOnly 0 Only the Agent's voice is saved in the call record
HideDeclineButtonOnRingingPopup 0 Hide Decline Call button in the incoming call window
HideIgnoreButtonOnRingingPopup 0 Hide Ignore Call button in the incoming call window
DisplayLicenseWillExpireSoonWarning 1 Show "License will expire soon" warning message
UnholdCallAfterAttendedTransfer 0 Unhold the client's call automatically on unsuccessful attended transfer
HangupCallAfterPrerecordedAudio 0 End the call automatically after pre-recorded message drop

[SipAccount] Section

You should create separate [SipAccount] section for each SIP account you're going to use [SipAccount].

Each section must have unique name containing section name and its index: [SipAccount1], [SipAccount2], [SipAccount3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [SipAccount] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
RegisterOnStartup 1 Register on startup
Name Account name
Server 0 SIP server hostname\IP and port. Default port is 5060
Proxy SIP proxy hostname\IP and port. Default port is 5060.
Domain Registration domain
AuthId Authorization name
Username Username
Password Authorization password
DisplayName Display name
PublicAddress Public IP
LocalPort Local SIP port
RegisterTimeout 300 SIP registration timeout, seconds
SRTP None Media encryption
Transport Auto Transport protocol. Available options: Auto - select transport automatically, UDP, TCP, TLS
CallTransferMode Sip Call transfer mode. Available options: Sip - SIP REFER, Dtmf - DTMF
CallTransferSipMethod TransferNow Call transfer type chosen by default in Transfer Call window when SIP transfer is used. Available options: TransferNow - blind transfer, CallFirst - attended transfer
CallTransferDTMF DTMF mode call transfer suffix and prefix separated by space character
CallPickupDTMF DTMF Call Pickup. See this article for more information
PublishPresence 0 Publish presence indication
RtpPortStart RTP ports interval start value
RtpPortEnd RTP ports interval end value
FirewallTraversalMethod STUN Firewall Bypass Method
AllowIpRewrite 0 Allow IP rewrite
IsDefault Selected on Outbound account field
KeepAliveTimeout 15 SIP keep-alive timeout, seconds
RingingSound Ringtone for SIP account (Ex.: C:/Users/.../custom.wav)
SipId ID used for making outbound calls with a particular SIP account. See this article for more information.
CallDialingExpression The expression used for number modification before outgoing call. See this article for more information

[ContactAccount] section

For each phone book in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [ContactAccount].

Each section must have unique name containing section name and its index: [ContactAccount1], [ContactAccount2], [ContactAccount3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [ContactAccount] with the same names.

Google Contacts phone book synchronization

Softphone.Pro can synchronize address book with Google Contacts. You can't add or modify Google Contacts with Softphone.Pro.

Parameter Default value Description
ContactType GoogleContacts Phone book type
Enabled 1 Enabling / disabling integration
Name Name of the book
UpdateTimeout Update frequency
AccessToken Access token (if required)
AccessTokenExpiration Token expiration (if required)
TokenType The type of token to send in an HTTP request (usually TokenType = Bearer)
RefreshToken The token with which the temporary AccessToken is updated
UseForTransfer Use to transfer calls
UseForPresense Receive information about the state of the subscriber
PresenceSipAccount Account for receiving information about the state of the subscriber
MaxDownloadedContactsCount 25 The amount of contacts requested in one batch when using Google Contacts sync. Supported in Softphone.Pro 4.7.

Cisco, Yealink XML remote phone book synchronization

Softphone.Pro can synchronize with remote phone book. The remote phone book should be Cisco, Yealink XML file format located on shared network folder or HTTP/HTTPS web-server.

Download Cisco, Yealink XML remote phone book example

Parameter Default value Description
ContactType CiscoXml Phone book type
Enabled 1 Enabling / disabling integration
Name Name of the book
UpdateTimeout Update frequency
Location Full path to the XML file
UseForTransfer Use to transfer calls
UseForPresense Receive information about the state of the subscriber
PresenceSipAccount Account for receiving information about the state of the subscriber

[CrmAccount] section

For every CRM in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [CrmAccount].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [CrmAccount1], [CrmAccount2], [CrmAccount3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [CrmAccount] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
CrmType AmoCRM CRM type
Enabled 0 Enabling / disabling integration
Server CRM server
Account Company account
Login Login (For integrations with OAuth 2.0 authorization, this parameter contains one of the tokens)
Password Password (For integrations with OAuth 2.0 authorization, this parameter contains one of the tokens)
DigitsCount 7 Number of digits to identify the number
MaxDigitsCount 20 The maximum number of digits to identify the number

[SimpleCallsAccount] section

SimpleCallsAccount section intended for setting up integration with "Simple Calls".

Parameter Default value Description
SendAccountNumber 0 Send account name as incoming line
AllowOutgoingCalls 1 Allow outgoing calls
ServerName wss:// Server name
ServerPassword Password
InnerPhoneNumber Internal phone number
RecordServer Recording server
ReconnectTimeoutSec 10 Reconnection interval in seconds
Guid Client Guid
LoginUrl Login address

[EmailNotifyAccount] section

EmailNotifyAccount section designed to send notifications about missed calls by Email.

For each Email in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [EmailNotifyAccount].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [EmailNotifyAccount1], [EmailNotifyAccount2], [EmailNotifyAccount3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [EmailNotifyAccount] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
Address Email
Enabled 0 Turn function on / off

[ExternalEventReceiver] section

ExternalEventReceiver section designed to handle events.

For every event in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [ExternalEventReceiver].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [ExternalEventReceiver1], [ExternalEventReceiver2], [ExternalEventReceiver3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [ExternalEventReceiver] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
EventType EventType







AppType Action type

Web - Call a web service

Local - Launch a program

LocalBrowser - Open a link in web browser

CallRecordToWeb - Upload a call recording

VideoRecordToWeb - Upload a screen recording

WebCamImageToWeb - Upload a camera snapshot
Link Link

Call a web service

Launch a program
Link="C:\\Example\\example.exe -event=%EVENT% -timestamp=%TIMESTAMP%
-direction=%DIRECTION% -login=%LOGIN% -server=%SERVER% -number=%NUMBER%
-callername=%CALLERNAME% -applogin=%APPLOGIN% -header=%HEADER1%"

Open a link in web browser

After call work finished

Status change

Upload a call recording

Upload a screen recording

Upload a camera snapshot

Events description

%EVENT% - event type
%TIMESTAMP% - event date and time
%DIRECTION% - incoming/outbound call
%LOGIN% - SIP login
%SERVER% - SIP server
%NUMBER% - caller ID
%CALLERNAME% - caller name
%APPLOGIN% - user login
%DURATION% - call duration
%RECORD% - full path of recording file on local computer
%RECORDFILENAME% - audio recording file name
%VIDEORECORDFILENAME% - screen recording file name
%ACW_DURATION% - after call work duration in seconds
%ACW_TAG% - call tag
%ACW_REMINDER% - after call work reminder UNIX timestamp
%ACW_NOTES% - notes
%STATUSNAME% - status name
%STATUSTUPE% - status type
InputName Tag name attribute <input> (The field appears in the GUI if you select the End call event and the Load audio recording of a call (or video) action)
PeriodicalSendPhoneStatusEnabled 0 Activation of periodic sending of operator status
PeriodicalSendPhoneStatusIntervalSec 10 Send period in seconds
SipAccount 0 SIP account ID for which the handler is triggered


CallForwardAccount section for setting up call forwarding.

For each number to be diverted to SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [CallForwardAccount].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [CallForwardAccount1], [CallForwardAccount2], [CallForwardAccount3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [CallForwardAccount] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
Enabled 0 Turn function on / off
Number Number
WaitTimeoutSec Redirect if there is no response within WaitTimeoutSec seconds

[PrerecordedAudioFile] section

PrerecordedAudioFile section designed to customize pre-recorded audio messages.

For each audio message in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [PrerecordedAudioFile].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [PrerecordedAudioFile1], [PrerecordedAudioFile2], [PrerecordedAudioFile3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [PrerecordedAudioFile] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
Name Message title
Path C:\\...\\message.wav Audio message path

[CallTag] section

CallTag section intended for adding post-processing tags.

For each tag in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [CallTag].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [CallTag1], [CallTag2], [CallTag3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [CallTag] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
Name Tag name

[CustomStatus] section

CustomStatus section intended for adding custom user statuses.

For each status in SoftphonePro.ini it is necessary to define a separate section [CustomStatus].

Each section must have a unique name, consisting of the name of the section and its serial number, for example: [CustomStatus1], [CustomStatus2], [CustomStatus3].

A config file cannot have multiple sections [CustomStatus] with the same names.

Parameter Default value Description
Name Custom status name
Status Parent status name (Online, Away, NA, Offline)