Google Contacts phone book synchronization

Softphone.Pro can synchronize address book with Google Contacts. You can't add or modify Google Contacts with Softphone.Pro.

1. Open Contacts - Google Contacts settings section:

Open Contacts - Google Contacts

2. Enter address book display name in Name text input:

Google Contacts address book display name

You can see that display name in a hint. The hint occurs when you place mouse cursor over a special "external contact" icon displayed near the contact. It can be helpful if you synchronize your address book with multiple sources.

3. Click Enable button:

Enable Google Contacts synchronization

4. Copy the Authorization code to clipboard:

Copy Google Contacts authorization code

5. Click the link to open Google Contacts authorization page:

Follow Google Contacts auth link

6. Paste the authorization code and click Next button:

Copy Google Contacts auth code and click Next button

You can be redirected to Google login page. You'll be redirected to Softhone.Pro authorization page after you enter your login and password.

7. Click Allow button:

Click Allow button

8. Make sure that Authorization status is now Successfully authorized:

Google Contacts sync successfully authorized

9. Click Save button:

Save Google Contacts authorization

10. Enter reload timeout in minutes in Reload every, min. text input:

Reload Google Contacts every