Grasshopper SIP Account setup

First of all, click the main menu button, it's in the top-left corner of main window.

Then click Settings in the main menu and navigate SIP Accounts section at the left panel:

Click Add Account button:

Please use your SIP account credentials you got from Grasshopper in the appropriate fields:

  • Account name — name it somehow
  • Register on startup — the program will do SIP registration for this account if it is ticked. If no, the program doesn't register on a SIP server, so you might not be able to place or receive calls.
  • SIP server — SIP server hostname or IP address. Program uses 5060 port to connect a SIP server by default. You can define other port using that format: sipserver:5061.
  • Login — the login
  • Password — the password
  • Display name — your callees will see this
  • Authorization name — the program will use Login for authorization if this field is empty
  • Domain — SIP domain
  • SIP proxy — SIP proxy

Click Test Connection button. You'll see the Successful registration message if Softphone.Pro can register on a SIP server.

Finally, click Save button to save your SIP account settings. You are brilliant, have a nice calling :)