Hide caller ID for incoming calls in Softphone.Pro Team

Supported in Softphone.Pro 5.3 and newer.

This manual shows how to hide caller ID in the Agent's softphone app. Caller ID in the Team Dashboard for Agents can be hidden using company settings.

Due to security concerns or for other reasons you may need to hide caller ID for incoming calls on your Agents' softphones. Use this manual to enable this option.

1. Go to Settings - Softphone.Pro - General settings:

Go to general settings

2. Enable hiding caller ID for incoming calls.
Set the string which will replace caller ID for incoming calls in the Text to replace caller ID with field.
The default value is XX-XX-XX:

Enable caller ID hiding for incoming calls

3. Click Save and restart Agents' softphones.

4. Caller ID for incoming call will be replaced with the HiddenCallerIDTemplate parameter value in the incoming call window and in the Call Log:

Hide caller ID in the incoming call window

Hide caller ID in the Call Log