Hubspot CRM Integration
You can see the Hubspot CRM customer name (Contact and Account) matching the caller phone number. Click customer name link to open Hubspot CRM customer page.
If you want to make outbound calls from Hubspot CRM using Softphone.Pro, you can use Google Chrome click-to-call extension.
1. Open Integration - Hubspot CRM settings section:
2. Click Enable button:
3. Click the Authorization link:
4. If you're not logged in Hubspot CRM you'll see the Hubspot authorization window. Enter your Hubspot login and password. Grant the permissions to SoftPhone for integration.
5. Once you grant permissions you'll be redirected to authorization page. Copy authorization code you see on that page to the clipboard.
6. Paste the authorization code and click Send button:
7. Make sure that Authorization status is now Successfully authorized and click Save button:
8. Now you can see the Contact and Account name on incoming call pop-up window and click to open Hubspot CRM customer page