Logging call in Windows application
For cases when your CRM initiates outgoing calls that Softphone.Pro should consider as inbound, you can configure the app for correct recognition of these calls as outgoing.
1. Open Integration - Third-Party Systems on Settings window:
2. Click Add Handler button:
3. Select "Call end" event type in Event dropdown.
4. Select SIP account if you want to handle events for a specific account. If you select "All" then Softphone.Pro will handle selected event for all SIP accounts.
5. Select Launch a program in Action dropdown:
6. Enter your program full path in URL/Program text input and add an appropriate command line parameters. See the available parameters brief description below the URL/Program text input:
You can use Regular Expressions to modify Caller ID or you can send DID number to 3-rd party system.
Note, that %RECORD%
variable contains full path and recording file name on a local computer. If you want to upload recording file on your server read the Upload softphone call recordings to FTP server or Upload call recordings to network folder article.
7. Click Save button.