Pre-recorded voicemail drop

Pre-recorded voicemail configuration

1. Open Pre-recorded audio messages settings section:

Pre-recorded audio messages configuration section

2. Enter pre-recorded message Name:

Enter message name

3. Click the Browse button to select audio file or Record button to start audio recording:

Click Browse or Record button

4. Click the Play button to listen pre-recorded audio message.

5. When on call click the Play button and then click the pre-recorded message name.

Don't hangup until Softphone.Pro finishes playing pre-recorded message.

Play pre-recorded audio message

Play pre-recorded audio message

How to add more than 3 Pre-recorded audio messages

1. Exit Softphone.Pro.

2. Open SoftphonePro.ini configuration file in a plain-text editor.

3. Copy [PrerecordedAudioFile1] section and paste it after existing PrerecordedAudioFile sections.

4. Replace number in [PrerecordedAudioFile1] to next number of PrerecordedAudioFile section list

5. Set values the parameters name and path .

Add pre-recorded audio message in the SoftphonePro.ini

5. Save the SoftphonePro.ini.

6. Start Softphone.Pro. When on call click the Play button and check you see added Pre-recorded audio message.

Play pre-recorded audio message

Play pre-recorded audio message

Hangup after prerecorded call ends

Supported in Softphone.Pro 5.7 and newer.

1. Exit Softphone.Pro.

2. Open SoftphonePro.ini configuration file with a text editor.

3. Find HangupCallAfterPrerecordedAudio parameter and set it to 1.

4. Save changes to SoftphonePro.ini.

5. Click Save.