Softphone.Pro Team - Call Log
The Call Log section contains calls of all the Team users. Administrators have full access to the call log. Supervisors see calls of Teams they manage. Agents have access to their calls only.
Display settings and export
Above the calls list there is a panel with an export button and display settings, here they are:
1. Items per page: the number of calls listed on page (20, 50, or 100).
2. Calls count: the number of calls matching current filter criteria.
3. One call may be listed in the Team call log several times due to PBX or queue settings. Join related inbound calls switch connects duplicate entries together as a single call. Set the threshold value for joining calls in the company settings.
Some PBX settings may cause "Call limit exceeded" error upon a large number of calls. Reasons for call log bloating and fix tips are considered in this article.
4. Export button downloads a filtered calls list as an Excel file (csv or xlsx). Downloaded file can be processed however you see fit.
Besides columns listed in the Calls list there are also additional columns in the file:
4.1. Sip - SIP account name used for making and receiving calls. Should you have multiple SIP accounts configured for your Agents, use Sip column to filter, e.g. which line or project is more laden with calls.
4.2. Call finish initiator - shows who ended the call, Agent or Client. This information may be of use in disputes resolution e.g. when an Agent hangs up calls early on purpose.
4.3. Hold counter - shows how many times the call was put on hold.
4.4. Total hold times - shows overall time the call was on hold. This may help to determine how long a Client waited for an Agent's answer or before attended transfer.
Calls list with filters
The main part of the page is a table with the Team users' calls. The calls are in the rows, columns are for information. Calls are listed according to the filters. Let us describe the columns in detail:
1. Date - date and time of the call (subject to timezone set in user's profile). Pick one of the common filters or set the time period on your discretion.
Please note that the call log is saved in the Team Dashboard for 180 days. Should you need to store it for a longer period, get in touch.
2. Agent - username of a Team user who has made or received a call. Filter the column for showing only calls of particular Team users (multiple choice is allowed).
More information about Agents' calls and other metrics are available in reports.
3. Phone - client's phone number, use filter to search.
You can hide clients numbers from Agents who have access to the Team Dashboard; for this use company settings.
4. Type - outbound/inbound/conference. Please note that using third-party click-to-call may cause incorrect data as outgoing calls will be listed as incoming. See this article to find out how to fix it.
5. Status - answered/missed. Click Missed status to see Agents status history before and after the call. It may help to find the reason why Agents miss calls. See more in Missed call analytics.
6. Wait - for answered calls it shows time from start to answer; for missed calls shows time from start to end. Pick one of the common filters or set your own interval.
Configure auto answer to reduce the waiting time for incoming calls.
7. Talk - shows talk time (for answered calls only). Pick one of the common filters or select your own time interval.
Call recording and Agent's screen capture are also available in the Talk column. Click the audio or video icon to open the call window.
Play call recording and screen capture in the opened window. Stereo recording separates Agent's audio from client and is of use for speech-to-text with high quality. Should you use a single earpiece, enable mono playback in company settings.
Call recording and screen capture are available for download.
Supervisors and Administrators can leave comments on calls in the call window.
8. ACW - time spent by Agent for After-Call Work.
9. Tag - shows ACW tag selected by Agent in ACW window.
10. SIP - shows diagnostic information for the call. Different colors indicate whether there were issues (high delay, packet loss, etc.) detected during the call. The green icon is for no issues, the yellow one is for minors, and the red is for issues of high importance.
This may indicate whether one or all Agents are facing issues. Diagnostic metrics and recommended values are described in this article.
All columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.