Softphone.Pro Pricing

Softphone.Pro 5

A powerful SIP dialer for professional use with numerous call control features and personal statistics tracker

Per month. Pay

For Agents and Calls

  • Softphone.Pro 5 app for Windows, macOS

Softphone.Pro 5 + Team

A 3-in-1 Suite: calls, remote provisioning, supervisory and WFM features

Per month. Pay

For Agents and Calls

  • Softphone.Pro 5 app for Windows, macOS

For Supervisors and Heads

  • Live dashboard and Agent Status Indication
  • 20+ online reports
  • Workforce management

For Admin and Techies

  • Softphone.Pro remote configuration
  • Keep Softphone.Pro settings hidden from Agents

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SIP Dialer Softphone.Pro 5 Softphone.Pro 5 + Team
Softhone dekstop app for Windows and macOS
Localization in 6 languages
Up to 32 SIP accounts per app
Attended and unattended transfer, call hold
Conference call with up to 6 participants
Voice mail drop (play pre-recorded messages)
Automatic call recording
Contact presence inidcation (BLF)
Missed call email notification
Conditional call forwarding
After call work (ACW)
Extension auto dial on call answered i.e. +11234567890,100 New!
Custom ringtone per SIP account New!
Always-on call recording New!
Call tag (disposition code, wrapup code)
Live dashboard and online reporting Softphone.Pro 5 Softphone.Pro 5 + Team
Live dashboard
Agent status indication
Always-on webcam monitoring New!
Screen capture New!
Call log (180 days)
Call recording cloud storage (90 days)
Screen capture cloud storage (30 days)
General call report
Tag (disposition, wrapup) distribution report New!
Incoming calls distribution reports: by hour, by day of week, by location
Inbound service level reports: inbound service level (SLA), answered by answer time, abandoned by wait time
Outbound performance report
Agent work time reports: availability per agent, occupancy per agent, breaks per agent, agent time spent per status
Softphone remote login and provisioining Softphone.Pro 5 Softphone.Pro 5 + Team
Softphone.Pro desktop app remote login
Softphone.Pro remote configuration (provisioining)
Softphone.Pro configuration templates
Keep Softphone.Pro settings hidden from Agents
Integration Softphone.Pro 5 Softphone.Pro 5 + Team
3-rd party CRM and Helpdesk instant integration
Upload call recordings to cloud storage, network folder, HTTP or FTP server
Cisco, Yealink XML remote phonebook
Import Contacts from CSV file
Google Contacts synchronization
Licensing and support Softphone.Pro 5 Softphone.Pro 5 + Team
Licensing Concurrent Per-seat
Licensing Time 1, 6, 12 months subscription (1 month = 30 days) 1, 6, 12 months subscription (1 month = 30 days)
Free Updates and Support While subscription is active While subscription is active
Support by Email Email