Please read the upgrade guide prior to downloading!
Attended call transfer
Transfer one active call to another by 2 clicks.
Click Transfer button and choose a call in section Active calls.
Zoho CRM, Hubspot CRM and Zendesk integration
Enable Zoho CRM, Hubspot CRM and Zendesk integration on Settings window.
You can see Zoho CRM, Hubspot CRM and Zendesk customer name (Lead, Contact or Account) matching the caller's phone number.
Click customer name link to open Zoho CRM, Hubspot CRM or Zendesk customer page.
Up to 32 SIP accounts
You can define up to 32 SIP accounts on Settings - SIP Accounts window.
Pre-recorded voicemail drop
When on call click the Play button and choose pre-recorded message.
Remote login and provisioning
Use remote login and provisioning for Softphone.Pro user configuration remote control and license management.
If provisioning is enabled user can see the Login window on Softphone.Pro startup. She enters login and password, and then Softphone.Pro sends authorization data to provisioning server. If authorization is successful, provisioning server sends back SoftphonePro.ini configuration file.
Upgrade guide
If you have Softphone.Pro 1 or 2 installed and activated with a license key, please follow these steps prior to downloading:
1. Find your Softphone.Pro 1 or 2 license key on Settings - License window and save one in a text file. You need that license key if you consider to restore your previous Softphone.Pro version or upgrade license.
2. Download and install Softphone.Pro 3 by clicking the Download button below.
3. If you like the Softphone.Pro new features, please buy Softphone.Pro 3 license upgrade at 50% discount. If you want to restore your previous Softphone.Pro installation, please visit the Download old Softphone.Pro version page.