Results of the 1HY 2023: terrific and promising

The mid-year, wow, how time flies. At the same time, that's a great occasion to discuss life, news, and interim results. Mood is good, steps are sure, things are fine — we’ve chosen some and share with you.


  • 16 Mio calls made via Softphone.Pro in the 1HY;
  • 6 thousand corporate clients tried and still use our handcrafted stuff;
  • 6 new features appeared for six months.


Someone might recognize a hellish essence in a triple six... but take it easy, everything is just the opposite:


  • stable connection and crystal-clear voice;
  • powerful and easy-to-grasp dashboards;
  • real-time monitoring and control;
  • instant integration with CRM и PBX.


By the way — what is CX, we wonder? Sure, this is a client experience. But we’d like to add — we also think it stands for Call Experience too. And we do our best to keep your CX good in every sense of the word.

What interesting things appeared in the Softphone.Pro since early this year?


  • Dialing Rules. You can make outbound calls manually, or by copying numbers to the clipboard, or by click-to-call. In different situations phone numbers pass in different formats but PBXs usually require a specific number format for correct work. Now you can use dialing rules to format the number before an outbound call.
  • Stereo Record Mode. Yes, now the softphone can do this! If you use Speech-To-Text, that’s exactly what is needed.
  • Call Pickup. Just fancy: a phone is blowing up somewhere nearby but no one is to answer. Is it a really good client experience? If we put ourselves in the shoes of the client, we’d say — in fact, I’d definitely like to hear someone’s voice. Make clients happy. Pick the call up on the spot.


As usual, the up-to-date version awaits you here.


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